Major Achievement
It really happened to me in the summer of 2010,one evening when I learnt that my Brother in law an eminent Indian scientist in US was experiencing some kind of pain,after various tests at Sloan Keetering Hospital, NY, 4 stage of Cancer of Lymphoma was confirmed. He underwent extensive chemotherapy which was painful too.His entire family in the US and we back home in Bangalore went thru’ a very stressful period.
We atonce approached Acharya Vikas Kaushik, a consulting astrologer and Vastu expert based in New Delhi.
The ‘Power of Vikasji’s prayer ‘,his ‘Dua and Jaap’,were all highly effective.Vikasji’s selfless advice at each step, his “Japas/Dua” and astro remedies were powerful catalysts. My sister-in-law complied with the remedies prescribed by Vikasji. We endeavored to follow Acharyaji’s advice with due reverance. Vikasji had emphatically predicted that, my revered brother-in-law will recover, surely, fully and quite soon.
The results are before all of us within a period of 6 months! The series of tests and scans have clearly shown that, all is now clear and my BIL has begun to resume his normal life gradually.
Each one of us is like Krishna’s flute, and thus becomes the Chosen One Instrument to carry out His Divine Will. “Sewak of Krishna” is what Vikasji calls himself, is bestowed by a Scientific and an analytical mind. He is a perfect blend of spirituality along with science. Being a Physics student who always applies Energy transformation and Newton’s 3rd Law to practice. Krishna’s Sevak leads a very hectic regimen- with only 4 hours of sleep with mat on the floor and only 1 meal a day. Krishna guided him practically in his career so that he could benifit the mankind at large!!
Recently, another person has recovered from final stage of Cancer of Liver from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute, Delhi thru’ Acharyaji’ s Jaap and Dua! In fact, he has even resumed his official duties after astroremedies along with Vikasji’s prayers!
He seems to be the Messiah for the depressed and distressed for sure, I would be happy if people would benifit widely thru’ his services. Acharya Vikas Kaushik is a person with extraordinary abilities, who has been helping patients recover from 4th stage of Cancer, is an ardent Krishna Devotee, apart from being a Marine Engineer academically
Thank you Vikas ji and Jai Shri Krishna for helping me find my smile.
- Sadhna Saxena